Dog in a Line

The weather here has been fantastic. So fantastic that I took Friday off to stop and smell the dandelions. Pam got off work early too.

We spent the weekend riding our bikes and gardening and working in the back yard. Had margaritas with friends on Saturday, Cinco De Mayo. Very restful time.

We have some vegetables planted now: Broccoli, eggplant, swiss chard, beets, spinach, tomato, peppers, some lettuce. A field of cilantro has come up all by itself, from where last year's plants threw around their seeds. Very cool.


Azalea said…
I am glad this post of yours is so much more happy and positive than the last one. The Dua Khalil incident was horrifying. I had watched the video (I don't know why), but was horrified, especially when I saw people throw blocks of concrete at her. It's nearly impossible to get it off one's mind. I'm glad you got to take some time off. :)