
Fractals are shapes too irregular to be described by euclidean geometry, that follow certain rules such as self-similarity (ie, a smaller part of the shape will look like the whole). A lot of shapes in nature are fractal in nature (coastlines, patterns in broccoli, shape of a tree, etc.).

My brother, George, likes to play with them. He creates wonderful works of art out of mathematical equations that describe fractal shapes. I was having trouble with blogger this morning, so could not upload the work that I wanted to. Here at work, I found the fractal that George sent Pam for her birthday. So I am posting my brother's work in lieu of mine.


Unknown said…
I see flowers, butterflies, angel wings, bells, pumpkins...bunch of happy thoughts. Love your brother's work.
Very, very cool! I love the warm colors the most. Each time I look at this work I seem to see another set of things... another dimension!

Congratulations to both of you!
Jose said…
Thanks on behalf of George, Sandy and Dreamwalker. When I look at some of his stuff, I am reminded of how these describe organic shapes in nature (not this one per se).
Cindy said…
The play of color is unbelievable. It draws you into seeing the discrete shapes.