Road to the mountain

This graphic was meant to be made to into a Christmas card a few years ago, for the students at the martial arts studio. It was too late by the time I made the graphic, so the card was never sent.
I forget what the Kanji characters mean, but the picture was meant to encourage the students to enjoy the journey to the mountaintop, not just the summit. Something like that.


Unknown said…
前途 means prospect, future, outlook...didn't know you can write Chinese. ;-)
Jose said…
Internet is my rosetta stone :)
Beautiful work. Reminded me of the classics from Japan, but not as crisp :)

Being delayed to get the artwork to the people on time ... is it procrastination - or is it 'artists' block'?
Jose said…
Bit of both, I guess.

I wanted the picture to look a bit Japanese. Glad it looks that way to viewers too.