The kid and the burro

Merry Christmas to all. Was at a party last night, and got home in the wee hours of the morning. My system doesnt tolerate such disruptions to the routine very well. I was dragging a bit this morning, and decided to draw to shake the cobwebs. Over the course of the day, in between the usual Christmas rituals, I completed this (my drafting table is in the living room so I can doodle without being away from activities). It is different from my usual stuff, but I am happy with it. So I thought I would share.


Anonymous said…
Some of us would really really love to see some new art from you! My kids have been crying because they have no new art to look at!!!

Jose said…
Ha ha, funny, Kathy. I need to prepare for two days of class that I have to teach this week, so I have been neglecting the blog. I will put up a scan tomorrow.